Sunday, October 19, 2014


Hey look its me LOL

#DayOfDignity is something i partook in today at Brooklyn College, the leader groups that were sort of in charge of it were PRA(Puerto Rican Association) &MEDO(Dominican Student Movement) it sounds cooler in spanish tho its like Movemente Estudiantes Dominican__something LOL.. But I stray from the point. Day of Dignity was a silent protest against Columbus Day, a day which gets more controversial the older I get, but it was a silent march throughout Brooklyn College campus with protesters in all black clothing & those that didn't have a flag held their hands behind their back like they were handcuffed. This symbolizing what the 'Discoverer of the Americas' did to the indigenous peoples that were already here. He stifled our diversity and forced us to become slaves ON OUR OWN LAND. I say our like i was really there but I feel i get to say our because I'm a minority and shit y'know ?

^Excerpt from 10/14/14* 

As an onlooker looking at the group of somber faced individuals you begin to have questions. I heard  "Can yall talk?" "Whats this for?" "This isn't changing Columbus day" & of course there were people that argued with the certain individuals that were allowed to speak and tell others what the group was marching about. What we were doing was referred to as an 'Opinion' and opinions don't really change things, also some big words were thrown around to try to sway the conversation into being one sided argument that we really weren't changing anything. Obviously I couldn't talk but i just looked at the person and thought of Seattle where they got Columbus Day changed to Indigenous Peoples Day which is pretty cool, now all that has to be done is to spread that movement and get it well known all across the U.S 

Seattle joins a growing number of cities officially recognizing Native American history
By:  @NolanFeeney*

Columbus Day will now be known as Indigenous Peoples’ Day in Seattle.*
The Seattle City Council on Monday unanimously approved the re-designation, which acknowledges that Native Americans were living in North America well before Christopher Columbus “discovered America” in the 15th century, Reuters reports.
The change, which will go into effect before the Oct. 13 holiday this year, marks the second major city in the U.S. to officially re-designate the day, after Minneapolis’ vote in April.* (Though the city of Berkeley, Calif., ceased observation of Columbus Day in 1992.)
“Nobody discovered Seattle, Washington,” said Quinault Nation President Fawn Sharp in remarks to the council. “This action will allow us to bring into future and present a day honoring our rich history.”
The change faced some opposition from some members of Seattle’s Italian-American community, who view the day as a celebration of their cultural heritage (Columbus hailed from Genoa, Italy).
The Seattle School Board voted last week to observe Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Columbus Day on the same day in public schools.

* indicates link.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


This whole day has been a blur tbh. Until Programming class at 11 even that was a lil blurry but thats the only class I actually am excited for, for many reasons, none of which i'll talk about because im feeling uberrrrrr lazy right now lol.. But lets talk about how i walk into work early cause i wanted to eat and relax before shift. So some IT members were talking about scary movies and shit, i dont watch that shit cause ima big ass pussy LOL. But then the conversation shifted to what'll happen if the Walking Dead was real lol. Of course I said "that'd be cool" lol.     

[wrote this part waiting for the train, while bumping STN MTN/KAUAI]

so back to the walking dead talk.. One  person said that we'd all probably die. Her reasoning was that everyone in this day and age would go to take a picture or record whats happening.. Not really thinking its a zombie and "I could legit die" another person said a person would probably say "wow thats looks so REALISTIC" .... Meanwhile the zombie is going to eat ur brainz out.. But ohhhhhh, getting proof of a "zombie" encounter is so damn important.. This has something to do with why were so reliant  on cell phones & technology.. The other day i saw 2 pics on how shit used to be.. The first one showed a doorbell that people used to ring to let their friends know that they were outside & on  the bottom of the pic was a screenshot of a conversation that said "I'm outside come to door" ... Legit people do that.. Shit i've done that before lol its just like habit these days.

The second pic i saw was a picture of kids bikes and the words on the pictures were 'How we used to find out where the squad was' .. These days tho everything has gotten so goddamn overcomplicated.. For no reason but "THE ADVANCEMENT OF HUMAN BEINGS" i hope the sarcasm of that quote is emphasized enough LOL. Shit that has to deal with why little kids growing up so fast and what not.. Maybe '96 was the last year that kids werent corrupted by 'Modern Technology'........ But I digress..........

My last few minutes on shift I saw this video of this guy "skipping" a rock in Alaska lol. {video under this cause I'm so cool i provide errything for the readers of this measly blog} It's pretty dope to me cause thats a wavy ass sound when it hits the frozen lake is pretty weird, i thought it was a bird or some shit. & the guys face when it happen is priceless as shit, you dont really see that face too much on older people.. It's a mix between utter amazement & confusion & happiness .


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 Lol idk what else to write so .. Peace Up.. A Town Down... #YaHeardddd

IF YOU CANT SEE THAT "WHOA" you needa get your eyes checked LOL.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014


MORNINGS; shit thats just my time always has been always will be(of course theres always interruptions here & there but i need mornings be done properly to set my whole day up right. I dooooo everyyyyyyything at my own pace.Brush my teeth, wash myself, get dressed, eat, walk, breathe-AT MY OWN PACE. This flow is fragile & can easily be messed up by over-energized teenagers before 9 AM, aquaintances i may see on my travels & other shit. BUT FROM WHEN I WAKE TIL like 9-ish... FUCK YOU, i hate talking, smiling, nodding my head & anything else that exerts energy. *skips forward to my 9:30 class* Philosophy: Ethics & Personal Relations, im not even gonna talk about the two angels that sat on the both sides of me cause i'd stray from the point I wanna talk about... The topic we were on today was empathy, which means something like how you can understand and share the feelings of another person.. An example was given that you feel empathy when a homeless person asks you for change or something. I mean like sometimes you feel uber(really) horrible about how a homeless person is doing and you soare change or a few bills if you have it. BUT if your anything like me you notice  the little reaction that some homeless people give like "Oh thats all you gonna give" & that immediately kills any empathy yiu mightve had for that person & you think twice before giving the next person that asks for change... Another example given was how there could be a homeless person & a "'Get Light Crew' on the train and people would be more likely to give the dance crew some change or
A dollar because they were more 'deserving'... LOL.. I mean like I assume the get light crew already has a home.. But they danced to receive the money so they have more claim to it i guess? Shit.. Thats fucked up to me, but hey were all not Averys right?
But i kinda wanna talk about homeless people a little more cause i saw something that broke my heart a lil on the train ride home not too long ago. An older lady ratty clothes & powder blue jordans( idk where she got those) & her daughter im assuming, who was dressed somewhat normally/acceptingly were on the train. & the older woman had a plastic bag filled with various foods and she was eating something that smelled awful and looked like it was from this morning, or a previous morning, & she was getting crumbs all over herself but she didnt mind it, she kept nibbling. The daughter was doing what looked to be math hw not paying anymind to her mother maybe. And i made eye contact with the older woman by mistake a couple times as does someone who is observing someone does. But i quickly averted my eyes out of sadness maybe? Idk but i didnt really want to look in her eyes and want to empathize with her. I only wanted to observe and draw a conclusion(s). They seemed homeless to me but i couldnt really say thats a fact.. The daughter was well dressed while the mother was looking beat, maybe the mother just had a bad day and didnt care anymore or something #WeMayNeverKnow but i just thought it'd be interesting to share my opinion on that... I'm dead writing this is no order cause im gonna cut back to like 12:45 PM now cause i wanna talk about #DayOfDignity not too much tho cause i wanna do another post on it all to it self maybe this weekend after the pictures are edited & shit. But, #DayOfDignity is something i partook in today at Brooklyn College, the leader groups that were sort of in charge of it were PRA(Puerto Rican Association) & MEDO(Dominican Student Movement) it sounds cooler in spanish tho its like Movemente Estudiantes Dominican__something LOL.. But I stray from the point. Day of Dignity was a silent protest against Columbus Day, a day which gets more controversial the older I get, but it was a silent march throughout Brooklyn College campus with protesters in all black clothing & those that didn't have a flag held their hands behind their back like they were handcuffed. This symbolizing what the 'Discoverer of the Americas' did to the indigenous peoples that were already here. He stifled our diversity and forced us to become slaves ON OUR OWN LAND. I say our like i was really there but I feel i get to say our because I'm a minority and shit y'know ? Well I think that about sums up my day.... Ohhh wait i went through a brief forever aloneness feeling so i'll share that too its just a screenshot tho so .. Yea... 

Stay tuned for posts about #DayOfDignity & Homelessness 
I hope to get to those soon.. Leave a comment lemme hear what you think.... (I aint edit this yet just typed lol, fuck it)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fixed Gear

Bought a bike May 30th, best thing I ever invested in all my years buying dumb shit LOL.
Ima start by just throwing some random shit out here I learned from my 4-ish months of riding Fixed Gear or a Track Bike, which is the type of bike I ride, means that it moves based on what you do with your legs. Faster you pedal.. Faster you move.. & the pedals don't stop moving until you make it by using your legs & foot retention, which could be straps or cages..those make it easier to put back pressure on your pedals to actually stop. I ride brakeless meaning go-ing & stop-ing power is legs. You can ride with brakes of course, but you will be shunned by the Fixed Gear Community LOL.

When I first started riding I thought It would only be a hobby, but the more I rode the more I grew to like it, don't get me wrong riding Fixed is hell on your knees but  No pain, No gain.. Right? Lol. Riding fixed in traffic is a whole new level of consciousness, you have to know what your doing, what the cars are doing, what pedestrians are doing & watch out for potholes and various shit in the street, so you always have to be alert. But when you finally get that Sixth Sense, riding is so damn cool ! I was talkin to a guy the other day about it, he used to be a courier for a business. He said 'riding fixed is like learning a new sense literally, you have to be able to read & flow in&out of traffic, you have to know when to slow down/speed up, know what cars are gonna do, know when pedestrians gonna pop up outta blind spots & shit'. Riding through cars during morning & evening rush hours just finesses that sense even more, just looking at drivers in their cars not moving while your advancing steadily just make you want to go faster. Yea theres near death situations as is expected when your riding in the street with thousand pound vehicles when your zooming around on a bike that probably doesn't even weigh 25 pounds. Turn or die & Door me if you can are the least favorite "games" I've been forced to play, I have no clue why some cars have signals when they don't use em . Alright so usually when I ride in the street i'm usually in the middle of the slow lane on my left & parked cars on my right. So not only do I have to beware of getting doored, I also have to pay attention to cars turning without signaling. When they do that & I'm caught slipping I either have to back pressure the shit out of my pedals and slow down OR I turn with the car and hope there is enough space to not be crushed or crash into the car turning or into a car that'll be parked on the corner. BUT otherwise riding Fixed is dope as shit, good exercise, get to meet "cool people".. just a whole new lifestyle. I love this shit & ride the most I can(check my stats in the last pic). Riding clears my head cause I have to be focused on these skreets man,  #TrackOrDie baby ! lol. So when people think I just "ride a bike" I get a little aggravated cause shit... This is not mere bike riding. This shit is a godamn skill that has to be perfected overtime, you just don't get it after doing it once or twice. But hey what do i know right I just started 4 months ago, I'm just a Fixie fool. 

First 2 pics are of the bike I bought, 3rd & 4th is the one I sorta learned to ride on. Then the video of me riding & Kony Jr.(the dude that got me into riding Fixed, the master, me being the apprentice of course) on the camera.Then it's Kony Jr. and his speed demon. Lastly it's my stats thats pretty damn good if I say so myself. I ride 48/49(idk how many teeth on my chainring lol) x 19 - I can avg about 13 for an hour and change holllllla. Tell me what you think & shit you know... Keep Up with my bike/life pics on my instagram: @GetMe_Doe
Leave a comment.. Lemme hear what you think..

Sunday, October 12, 2014

D. Glover/Childish Gambino - "STN MTN/KAUAI"

I feel like I have to talk about this dope ass mixtape cause i been bumpin this straight since I downloaded it. It's by the multi-talented Donald Glover. This guy can rap, sing and act(I'm totally assuming on the acting part I never actually watched that show he's on but it must be acceptable since it was on for a while). Prior to this all i bumped from his Alter Ego 'Chilidish Gambino' was 3005 which was a pretty wavy song, if i say so myself. I downloaded this mixtape cause I kept hearing about it. First song I fucked with heavyyy was 'U don't have to call' sampled from Usher, Gambinos vocals caught me. But the songs that grew on me now are 'Late Night in Kauai ft. Jaden Smith' .... Yes lol that says Jaden Smith, more of a poem then a rap to me it was dope as shit, Gambino says on the track "My Nigga Jaden Smith Droppin' Jewels and niggas Don't Even Don't Even Believe Him, Cause Hes Jaden Smith.. It's all about packaging right.. Real Shit Tho.. Good and Bad is all Relative man, it really is. Alotta niggas is sheep, we don't even know what we like anymore, we just know what the most hype and shit. Do you really like that shit you like? Or You Like The Way They Gave It To You? Y'know what I'm sayin? Pepsi n Coca Cola the same thing Dave Chappelle said, but the one that taste the best was the one that was paying him the most at the time". The other song is a 3 parter 'Move That Dope/Nextel Chirp/Let Your Hair Blow ft. Young Scooter'
Man that 'Nextel Chirp' had me dancing like Bobby Shmurdaaaaaaaaa "Ah Ah Ahhhhhhh". 

"Hit me on my Nextel chirp, when you hear that *brrrp* *brrrp*, mean that nigga got some work
Yeah, my cousin used to serve 'em, now he learning how to walk
If you really from Atlanta then you heard this shit before
Yeah, you know, uh"
this Hook repeated twice get me hype-er than any track on this mixtape lol idk what it is, maybe the beat. This hook prolly the only reason I'm writing this blog to begin with SHITTTT. So overall this mixtape is a 9/10 EASYYYYYYYYYY. Take A Listen, Leave a comment lemme hear what you think.

damn blogz

TBH. I thought this whole thing woulda be WAYYYYYYYYYY simpler than it is. But whats life without complications right? Shit settin up this whole blog shit got my brain aching, or hurting or whatever you call, excuse my horrible grammar, well naw not really i give no fucks lol. The idea of starting a blog is so damn simple but actually getting this shit physical. Designing & HTML codes&codes&codes&codes& Settings & Templates & Yatta yatta, whilst watching some weird movie/show on HBO family. So yea... my brain hurts.. And I'm sick lol.. But Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy At least i started it right #GetMeDoe

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Me right now.. Minus the bathub.. Add a bed &covers.. Finally started this blog thingy, I been wanted to get alotta shit off my mind. Idc who read this, what you think of me yatta yatta. JUDGE ME. LOVE ME. HATE ME.. I'm still gonna be ME. Shit I may come off as the most ignorant mo fucker around, maybe even the smartest it's whatever..I'll leave that judging up to yall.. Dissect my mind tell me what you think. I'm not gonna tell you about me.. Base your judgements off my posts & shit ....Well thats all for now. BBL. 😛