Tuesday, October 14, 2014


MORNINGS; shit thats just my time always has been always will be(of course theres always interruptions here & there but i need mornings be done properly to set my whole day up right. I dooooo everyyyyyyything at my own pace.Brush my teeth, wash myself, get dressed, eat, walk, breathe-AT MY OWN PACE. This flow is fragile & can easily be messed up by over-energized teenagers before 9 AM, aquaintances i may see on my travels & other shit. BUT FROM WHEN I WAKE TIL like 9-ish... FUCK YOU, i hate talking, smiling, nodding my head & anything else that exerts energy. *skips forward to my 9:30 class* Philosophy: Ethics & Personal Relations, im not even gonna talk about the two angels that sat on the both sides of me cause i'd stray from the point I wanna talk about... The topic we were on today was empathy, which means something like how you can understand and share the feelings of another person.. An example was given that you feel empathy when a homeless person asks you for change or something. I mean like sometimes you feel uber(really) horrible about how a homeless person is doing and you soare change or a few bills if you have it. BUT if your anything like me you notice  the little reaction that some homeless people give like "Oh thats all you gonna give" & that immediately kills any empathy yiu mightve had for that person & you think twice before giving the next person that asks for change... Another example given was how there could be a homeless person & a "'Get Light Crew' on the train and people would be more likely to give the dance crew some change or
A dollar because they were more 'deserving'... LOL.. I mean like I assume the get light crew already has a home.. But they danced to receive the money so they have more claim to it i guess? Shit.. Thats fucked up to me, but hey were all not Averys right?
But i kinda wanna talk about homeless people a little more cause i saw something that broke my heart a lil on the train ride home not too long ago. An older lady ratty clothes & powder blue jordans( idk where she got those) & her daughter im assuming, who was dressed somewhat normally/acceptingly were on the train. & the older woman had a plastic bag filled with various foods and she was eating something that smelled awful and looked like it was from this morning, or a previous morning, & she was getting crumbs all over herself but she didnt mind it, she kept nibbling. The daughter was doing what looked to be math hw not paying anymind to her mother maybe. And i made eye contact with the older woman by mistake a couple times as does someone who is observing someone does. But i quickly averted my eyes out of sadness maybe? Idk but i didnt really want to look in her eyes and want to empathize with her. I only wanted to observe and draw a conclusion(s). They seemed homeless to me but i couldnt really say thats a fact.. The daughter was well dressed while the mother was looking beat, maybe the mother just had a bad day and didnt care anymore or something #WeMayNeverKnow but i just thought it'd be interesting to share my opinion on that... I'm dead writing this is no order cause im gonna cut back to like 12:45 PM now cause i wanna talk about #DayOfDignity not too much tho cause i wanna do another post on it all to it self maybe this weekend after the pictures are edited & shit. But, #DayOfDignity is something i partook in today at Brooklyn College, the leader groups that were sort of in charge of it were PRA(Puerto Rican Association) & MEDO(Dominican Student Movement) it sounds cooler in spanish tho its like Movemente Estudiantes Dominican__something LOL.. But I stray from the point. Day of Dignity was a silent protest against Columbus Day, a day which gets more controversial the older I get, but it was a silent march throughout Brooklyn College campus with protesters in all black clothing & those that didn't have a flag held their hands behind their back like they were handcuffed. This symbolizing what the 'Discoverer of the Americas' did to the indigenous peoples that were already here. He stifled our diversity and forced us to become slaves ON OUR OWN LAND. I say our like i was really there but I feel i get to say our because I'm a minority and shit y'know ? Well I think that about sums up my day.... Ohhh wait i went through a brief forever aloneness feeling so i'll share that too its just a screenshot tho so .. Yea... 

Stay tuned for posts about #DayOfDignity & Homelessness 
I hope to get to those soon.. Leave a comment lemme hear what you think.... (I aint edit this yet just typed lol, fuck it)

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