Monday, October 13, 2014

Fixed Gear

Bought a bike May 30th, best thing I ever invested in all my years buying dumb shit LOL.
Ima start by just throwing some random shit out here I learned from my 4-ish months of riding Fixed Gear or a Track Bike, which is the type of bike I ride, means that it moves based on what you do with your legs. Faster you pedal.. Faster you move.. & the pedals don't stop moving until you make it by using your legs & foot retention, which could be straps or cages..those make it easier to put back pressure on your pedals to actually stop. I ride brakeless meaning go-ing & stop-ing power is legs. You can ride with brakes of course, but you will be shunned by the Fixed Gear Community LOL.

When I first started riding I thought It would only be a hobby, but the more I rode the more I grew to like it, don't get me wrong riding Fixed is hell on your knees but  No pain, No gain.. Right? Lol. Riding fixed in traffic is a whole new level of consciousness, you have to know what your doing, what the cars are doing, what pedestrians are doing & watch out for potholes and various shit in the street, so you always have to be alert. But when you finally get that Sixth Sense, riding is so damn cool ! I was talkin to a guy the other day about it, he used to be a courier for a business. He said 'riding fixed is like learning a new sense literally, you have to be able to read & flow in&out of traffic, you have to know when to slow down/speed up, know what cars are gonna do, know when pedestrians gonna pop up outta blind spots & shit'. Riding through cars during morning & evening rush hours just finesses that sense even more, just looking at drivers in their cars not moving while your advancing steadily just make you want to go faster. Yea theres near death situations as is expected when your riding in the street with thousand pound vehicles when your zooming around on a bike that probably doesn't even weigh 25 pounds. Turn or die & Door me if you can are the least favorite "games" I've been forced to play, I have no clue why some cars have signals when they don't use em . Alright so usually when I ride in the street i'm usually in the middle of the slow lane on my left & parked cars on my right. So not only do I have to beware of getting doored, I also have to pay attention to cars turning without signaling. When they do that & I'm caught slipping I either have to back pressure the shit out of my pedals and slow down OR I turn with the car and hope there is enough space to not be crushed or crash into the car turning or into a car that'll be parked on the corner. BUT otherwise riding Fixed is dope as shit, good exercise, get to meet "cool people".. just a whole new lifestyle. I love this shit & ride the most I can(check my stats in the last pic). Riding clears my head cause I have to be focused on these skreets man,  #TrackOrDie baby ! lol. So when people think I just "ride a bike" I get a little aggravated cause shit... This is not mere bike riding. This shit is a godamn skill that has to be perfected overtime, you just don't get it after doing it once or twice. But hey what do i know right I just started 4 months ago, I'm just a Fixie fool. 

First 2 pics are of the bike I bought, 3rd & 4th is the one I sorta learned to ride on. Then the video of me riding & Kony Jr.(the dude that got me into riding Fixed, the master, me being the apprentice of course) on the camera.Then it's Kony Jr. and his speed demon. Lastly it's my stats thats pretty damn good if I say so myself. I ride 48/49(idk how many teeth on my chainring lol) x 19 - I can avg about 13 for an hour and change holllllla. Tell me what you think & shit you know... Keep Up with my bike/life pics on my instagram: @GetMe_Doe
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